Friday, December 16, 2011

2012, here we come!

This year has really flown...

Luckily. the mid-point brought us the amazing album that is This Loud Morning. Since then, silence has been so dreadfully boring...I hope you would agree. It has been wonderful getting to know so many of David's people, and I know I have lifelong friends in many of you. We've seen practically every high and low imaginable, but nothing has been able to shake our loyalty thus far. That is because we are unstoppable. Granted, our fan family isn't as large as some, but size doesn't matter. The loyal fans are the ones who buy the music, see the shows, and stick by David in all circumstances. I have been very fortunate to be a part of this fandom, and don't ever plan to leave.

Thank you guys for the smiles and laughter, and even the virtual hugs during hard times. You are all such blessings, not just to me, but to everyone around you. 2012 is only going to be filled with more adventures, and I can't wait to share them with all of you.

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